Forest banner image
Quick start guide


You found us! We welcome you warmly to Gratitude Tree. Gratitude Tree is a digital ‘forest of thanks’ that was developed to allow people to share their appreciation and positivity during, and following, the Covid-19 global pandemic.

You can search or explore the messages of thanks in the forest.
Anything goes - as long as it is a thank you!
We hope you enjoy your walk through the forest of thanks.
Add your message of appreciation to an existing gratitude tree.
Share your message via Twitter or Facebook
Plant a new tree for a workplace, school, community group, or hospital.
The forest is still under development. Feel free to explore and let us know of any problems

Latest leaves

September 06
2024 18:45
Good luck with your new adventure, Sha! I want to express my deepest gratitude for being such a fantastic teammate and mentor. I’ve learned so much from you! Wishing you all the best in your new journey!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 06
2024 12:09
I wish you continued blessings as you embark on your new journey. You have been amazing to work with and although we will miss you here it makes my heart happy to know that you are soaring.
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 17:07
Hi Sha, It was a great opportunity to be able to work with you! Wishing you success in your next endeavor. -Jerome
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 16:40
You brought so much light to TLAC. I am so sad to see you go, but I'm ecstatic to learn that you're going somewhere exciting! I wish you all the best on your next endeavor. I know you'll do great, Sha!!!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 15:52
Smudged my living space with sage for the first time for a much needed reset and refresh.
D2L Gratitude Tree
September 05
2024 15:20
All the best in your next journey! Thank you for all your support throughout!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 14:57
Thank you for everything that you have done for the team. I have learned a lot from your knowledge outside of PPD. You will be greatly missed. I hope you have great success in your next adventure!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 14:43
May you be fruitful and blessed in the next chapter of your career journey. Thank you for everything, Sha! We are happy and excited for you, but we will definitely miss you!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 14:41
I am excited for you as you embark on this new chapter on your career. I will miss you every day I need assistance for my team's schedule. :) Working with you has been a pleasure, and your contributions have been invaluable. All the best, Bestie!
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
September 05
2024 14:15
Thanks for everything Sha! Enjoy your new journey
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
Drawn forest image
Gratitude tree called: A Tree of Thanks for Sha! with 16 leaves
A Tree of Thanks for Sha!
Latest leaf: September 06 2024 18:45

As we bid farewell to someone who has brought so much positivity, dedication, and camaraderie to our team, we want to celebrate the countless ways La'Sha has made a difference. This tree stands as a symbol of our collective gratitude and admiration for the hard work, unwavering support, and infectious enthusiasm she have shared with us!

Gratitude tree called: D2L Gratitude Tree with 35 leaves
D2L Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: September 05 2024 15:52

Place a leaf and description of a random act of kindness you performed, something you are grateful for, or simply a kind word for your peers.

Gratitude tree called: Harbour Sport Gratitude Tree with 14 leaves
Harbour Sport Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: August 30 2024 05:04

The Harbour Sport digital ‘forest of thanks’ that was put up to allow people to share their appreciation and positivity during work.
• You can search or explore the messages of thanks from your work mates in the forest
• Add your message of appreciation to our gratitude tree.
• Share our gratitude tree
• Anything goes - as long as it is a thank you, a positive note or an encouragement

Plant tree
Plant new tree