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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 11-St. Ignatius of Loyola with 35 leaves
SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 11-St. Ignatius of Loyola
Latest leaf: January 13 2022 04:42

The environment is a gift from God. We, 11- St. Ignatius students, oath to do our best in protecting and caring for our environment. In this tree, you can see our pledges and thanks to Mother Nature.

Gratitude tree called: St. Agnes with 1 leaves
St. Agnes
Latest leaf: January 10 2022 05:30

We, St. Agnes, share our pledges for the environment and also to share the things we are grateful for, specifically, for Mother Nature.

Gratitude tree called: SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 12- St. Agnes with 0 leaves
SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 12- St. Agnes
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 8-Our Lady of Peace with 22 leaves
SMCB E-Month 2022: Grade 8-Our Lady of Peace
Latest leaf: January 11 2022 03:48

Amidst this pandemic, we should be grateful that we are safe and sound, and we have a nature to rely on. However as an Ignacian Marian, we should not abuse it. Hence, we should perform our responsibilities and act now.

Gratitude tree called: Trial 2 with 1 leaves
Trial 2
Latest leaf: January 09 2022 10:57

Gratitude tree called: Trial with 0 leaves
Latest leaf: None


Gratitude tree called: Gratituity  with 35 leaves
Latest leaf: February 28 2022 14:41

CH- Group 121

Gratitude tree called: Dream Tree with 2 leaves
Dream Tree
Latest leaf: January 05 2022 19:47

Tell us your dreams!

Gratitude tree called: Plant  with 5 leaves
Latest leaf: January 10 2022 14:48

CH - Group 121

Gratitude tree called: Kitty with 26 leaves
Latest leaf: March 25 2022 13:54

CH- Group 121

Gratitude tree called: Orange  with 32 leaves
Latest leaf: May 12 2022 14:01

Gratitude tree called: Ilesha  with 3 leaves
Latest leaf: December 29 2021 20:36

CH- Group 121