Sort trees

Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: Core Lab - Diagnostics  with 11 leaves
Core Lab - Diagnostics
Latest leaf: August 18 2023 19:30

Gratitude tree called: NRS Test1 with 8 leaves
NRS Test1
Latest leaf: August 18 2023 07:55

Gratitude tree called: NRS Test with 0 leaves
NRS Test
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: P&Q with 0 leaves
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: P&Q Appreciation Tree with 0 leaves
P&Q Appreciation Tree
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: Diagnotstics at Abbott with 12 leaves
Diagnotstics at Abbott
Latest leaf: August 11 2023 19:38

World Gratitude Day

Gratitude tree called: lili with 7 leaves
Latest leaf: August 08 2023 07:04

Gratitude tree called: Open Psychology Research Centre with 0 leaves
Open Psychology Research Centre
Latest leaf: None

Sharing gratitude with colleagues from, and associated with, The Open University's Open Psychology Research Centre

Gratitude tree called: Wellbeing@WELS - 19.07.23 with 30 leaves
Wellbeing@WELS - 19.07.23
Latest leaf: August 01 2023 10:26

Please take a few moments to add a leaf to our WELS gratitude tree.
It's been a busy academic year and there has been so much great work and support from colleagues across the Faculty; do join us in recognising people/teams who make your working life better.
Who and what are you thankful for?

Gratitude tree called: YIP Gratitude Tree! with 9 leaves
YIP Gratitude Tree!
Latest leaf: July 17 2023 17:49

Please write down things you appreciate about your friends, family, or community!

Gratitude tree called: QD Tree with 1 leaves
QD Tree
Latest leaf: June 23 2023 12:59

Gratitude tree called: POSITIVITY TREE  with 1 leaves
Latest leaf: June 22 2023 14:33