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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: TestVictoria with 7 leaves
Latest leaf: April 29 2024 19:53

What are you grateful for?

Gratitude tree called: Jennifer with 0 leaves
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: RoseV with 1 leaves
Latest leaf: April 23 2024 08:29


Gratitude tree called: Global's Tree of Gratitude with 100 leaves
Global's Tree of Gratitude
Latest leaf: May 23 2024 16:04

To celebrate Global's appreciation of our beautiful planet, add a leaf to describe something you've done to help beautify the earth, to note an amazing place you've been, or simply to recognize anything you appreciate about our amazing world. Leaf colors are customizable so be creative!

Gratitude tree called: Amira with 1 leaves
Latest leaf: April 14 2024 19:53

Gratitude tree called: Jen practice tree with 2 leaves
Jen practice tree
Latest leaf: April 12 2024 00:09

Gratitude tree called: YA Dept with 0 leaves
YA Dept
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: Y6 gratitude tree with 1 leaves
Y6 gratitude tree
Latest leaf: April 08 2024 05:09

Gratitude tree called: Hggg with 2 leaves
Latest leaf: April 05 2024 22:16


Gratitude tree called: Devendra thakur with 7 leaves
Devendra thakur
Latest leaf: April 04 2024 05:49

I believe in giving without thinking of any return. Helping others when they need it, gives immense satisfaction to me. Life is beautiful, help others and live it.

Gratitude tree called: JSW Virtual Gratitude Tree  with 27 leaves
JSW Virtual Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: April 23 2024 01:18

Plant your gratitude in our virtual tree! Share what you're thankful for today and watch our tree blossom with positivity. Join the movement and spread gratitude!
- Add your leaf of gratitude along with your name
- Explore the heartfelt messages from others
- Cultivate a garden of appreciation in a digital space

Gratitude tree called: HKUMed Gratitude Tree with 1 leaves
HKUMed Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: April 02 2024 01:20