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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: F6S Innovation Team with 30 leaves
F6S Innovation Team
Latest leaf: November 28 2022 08:57

Gratitude is a way for people to appreciate what they have instead of always reaching for something new in the hopes it will make them happier or thinking they can't feel satisfied until every physical and material need is met. Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have instead of what they lack.

This tree will give us the chance to take a moment and remember something we are thankful for.

"Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more"

Gratitude tree called: F6S Innovation with 3 leaves
F6S Innovation
Latest leaf: November 25 2022 09:22

Gratitude tree called:  Gratitude Collective  with 6 leaves
Gratitude Collective
Latest leaf: November 25 2022 06:54

Gratitude is defined as: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

Add your gratitude leaf and watch our tree flourish!

Gratitude tree called: Gratitude at Fundación Allied with 4 leaves
Gratitude at Fundación Allied
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 21:30

Gratitude at Fundación Allied: Thank you, Dear Students, Teachers, Recruiters, and Leaders!!!!

Gratitude tree called: Ana Clara and Gabi's Gratitude Tree with 18 leaves
Ana Clara and Gabi's Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 18:56

Gratitude tree called: Izabella´s tree with 35 leaves
Izabella´s tree
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 18:36

Gratitude tree called: kety with 25 leaves
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 17:58

Gratitude tree called: Our Gratitude Tree with 14 leaves
Our Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 17:57

Felipe, Guilherme and Ms. Gabi

Gratitude tree called: Life's tree with 20 leaves
Life's tree
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 16:48


Gratitude tree called: Gratitude Tree 2nde3 Thanksgiving with 0 leaves
Gratitude Tree 2nde3 Thanksgiving
Latest leaf: None

Happy thanksgiving

Gratitude tree called: Gratitude tree 2nde3 with 0 leaves
Gratitude tree 2nde3
Latest leaf: None

Happy thanksgiving

Gratitude tree called: THE HEXA IS COMING BRAZILLLL SIUUUU with 20 leaves
Latest leaf: November 24 2022 13:23
