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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: Fairygodmuse Gratitude Tree with 20 leaves
Fairygodmuse Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 26 2023 19:32

Show your appreciation towards a co-worker, friend, family member, or anything that you're thankful for this holiday season. Add a leaf, or two, and add it to our 2023 Fairygodmuse Gratitude Tree. Happy holidays!!

Gratitude tree called: Gratitude Epic Wellness Month with 2 leaves
Gratitude Epic Wellness Month
Latest leaf: December 26 2023 18:24

Please let us know what you are grateful for.

Gratitude tree called: HR Gratitude Tree with 17 leaves
HR Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 21 2023 18:27

A positive reminder of how fortunate we are and how much we appreciate ourselves and each other

Gratitude tree called: CHC Clinical Services with 42 leaves
CHC Clinical Services
Latest leaf: December 21 2023 17:35

Gratitude tree called: One HUB with 20 leaves
Latest leaf: December 21 2023 15:13

Gratitude tree called: Advocacy and Survivors Group  with 25 leaves
Advocacy and Survivors Group
Latest leaf: December 21 2023 12:12

What we are grateful for as individuals and as a group

Gratitude tree called: Exhc Gratitude Tree with 12 leaves
Exhc Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 20 2023 14:00

Add a leave, write your gratitude and share with other

Gratitude tree called: CL2 Retail Gratitude Tree with 35 leaves
CL2 Retail Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 19 2023 19:46

Gratitude tree called: Revinate Gratitude Tree with 62 leaves
Revinate Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 18 2023 17:42

We are so grateful for everyone on this team, and what you all bring to the company. Please join us in writing a leaf of gratitude to spread holiday cheer!

Gratitude tree called: Total Rewards & Mobility Team with 47 leaves
Total Rewards & Mobility Team
Latest leaf: December 18 2023 15:17

Let´s close the year with a grateful heart!

Gratitude tree called: Marcia Farewell with 2 leaves
Marcia Farewell
Latest leaf: December 14 2023 15:44

Marcia is transitioning from the AbsenceOne Care Team to become a Whole Foods LOA effective 12.18.23 - we will miss you! Feel free to place a leaf of appreciation and something you will miss about them!

Gratitude tree called: Sadie Farewell with 2 leaves
Sadie Farewell
Latest leaf: December 14 2023 15:43

Sadie is transitioning from the AbsenceOne Care Team to PepsiCo 24/7 Care Team effective 12.22.24 as a CTR - we will miss you! Feel free to place a leaf of appreciation and something you will miss about them!