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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: AACC Admin Tree of Gratitude with 10 leaves
AACC Admin Tree of Gratitude
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 20:56

What are you grateful for?

Gratitude tree called: CIT Accomplishments 2022 with 37 leaves
CIT Accomplishments 2022
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 17:01

what work accomplishment are you proudest of in 2022?

Gratitude tree called: CIT Looking Forward to 2023a with 19 leaves
CIT Looking Forward to 2023a
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 17:00

What are you looking towards accomplishing in the upcoming year?

Gratitude tree called: Phiel's Tree with 10 leaves
Phiel's Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:50

Gratitude tree called: Kate's Tree with 14 leaves
Kate's Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:46

Gratitude tree called: HS with 29 leaves
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:45

All of the persons/things I'm thankful for

Gratitude tree called: Ion's Thankful Tree with 10 leaves
Ion's Thankful Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:43

All things that I am thankful for this year

Gratitude tree called: EDGARD`s HOPE with 18 leaves
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:42

This tree is to thank God for allowing me another day of life, for my family, for my friends and for all TU´s colleagues who have made me feel like family.

Gratitude tree called: Bobby the Tree with 15 leaves
Bobby the Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:41

the best tree

Gratitude tree called: Eumee's Tree with 23 leaves
Eumee's Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:40

Welcome to GForest!

Gratitude tree called: 2022 Tree with 7 leaves
2022 Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:40

2022 stuff that im grateful for

Gratitude tree called: Salman’s Baby with 15 leaves
Salman’s Baby
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 14:39