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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: Youth Excel 2022 with 22 leaves
Youth Excel 2022
Latest leaf: December 21 2022 13:40

A place to reflect and share on the things you appreciate the most about the team-can be general or individual!

Gratitude tree called: The Mindfulness Everyday Community  with 34 leaves
The Mindfulness Everyday Community
Latest leaf: December 20 2022 22:29

As part of the Mindfulness Everyday Community we would love for you to add a gratitude leaf to the tree. As you reflect , what are you grateful for?

Gratitude tree called: Quality Program Office 2022 Gratitude Tree with 18 leaves
Quality Program Office 2022 Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 20 2022 20:05

This tree is in honor of an amazing organization and especially their amazing team members. Please share your gratitude with the Quality Program Office team members.

Gratitude tree called: WIM Customer Remediation Thankful Tree with 20 leaves
WIM Customer Remediation Thankful Tree
Latest leaf: December 20 2022 15:37

Expressing our personal and work-related gratitude.

Gratitude tree called: Our Tree of Celebration  with 20 leaves
Our Tree of Celebration
Latest leaf: December 20 2022 00:49

Holidays are a time for celebration. What are you celebrating this season?

Gratitude tree called: Hub Gratitude Tree  with 24 leaves
Hub Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 17 2022 19:07

Gratitude tree called: NMPAT #PositiviTree with 18 leaves
NMPAT #PositiviTree
Latest leaf: December 16 2022 21:27

Sharing positivity and thanks for all the amazing people involved in the work of the Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts Trust

Gratitude tree called: Bay Area Gratitude Tree with 88 leaves
Bay Area Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: December 16 2022 20:14

Hosted by the Bay Area ERG Leads, let’s cultivate the spirit of gratitude and appreciation in our community- we have much to be thankful for!

Gratitude tree called: Intact Winter Celebration with 14 leaves
Intact Winter Celebration
Latest leaf: December 16 2022 19:14

What are some things your grateful about this holiday season

Gratitude tree called: Secret Santa Thank you Tree with 1 leaves
Secret Santa Thank you Tree
Latest leaf: December 15 2022 03:36

Thank my Secret Santa for the thoughtful gift

Gratitude tree called: OJ Team Connection with 20 leaves
OJ Team Connection
Latest leaf: December 15 2022 00:56

Gratitude tree for the Coolest HR Team!

Gratitude tree called: Shop Cummins Team Tree with 56 leaves
Shop Cummins Team Tree
Latest leaf: December 14 2022 21:53

2022 was a great year for Shop Cummins! Let's share some gratitude for our many accomplishments as a team in 2022!