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Forest of Thanks

Gratitude tree called: test12 with 0 leaves
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: Parts Services Gratitude Tree with 2 leaves
Parts Services Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 16:03

Gratitude tree called: LITS_Cranberries with 14 leaves
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 15:47

What are the folks in LITS thankful for?

Gratitude tree called: IEOM HALESTRIKE Gratitude Tree with 38 leaves
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 14:48

IEOM November Culture of Champions

Gratitude tree called: German CID 4A with 19 leaves
German CID 4A
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 10:04

Gratitude tree called: IS Team Grateful Tree  with 2 leaves
IS Team Grateful Tree
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 08:19

Gratitude tree called: SPE 311 Gratitude Tree with 27 leaves
SPE 311 Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: November 21 2022 00:55

Add leaves to show what you are grateful for.

Gratitude tree called: Team HiredScore Tree of Gratitude with 0 leaves
Team HiredScore Tree of Gratitude
Latest leaf: None

Too often during this time of year
we start a bit early in spreading Christmas cheer.
Retailers conspire to fill up their shelves
and push all things toys, Santa, and elves.

Don’t be in a rush with your Christmas decor
there’s time left in November, at least one week more.
So as you prepare for your Thanksgiving feast
take time to notice a few things, at least.

Our homes, our health, and never forget
the freedom to take time for a needed reset.
Our families, our colleagues, our communities of friends,
and those who’ll have our backs until the bitter ends.

Let’s be more present and active this week
in celebrating thanks, giving shout-outs so to speak.
Will you join in sharing what you’re thankful for?
Let’s do it together as Team HiredScore!

Gratitude tree called: Team Trend with 0 leaves
Team Trend
Latest leaf: None

Gratitude tree called: HHP DA Tree with 80 leaves
Latest leaf: November 17 2022 22:52

Gratitude tree called: Aime with 33 leaves
Latest leaf: November 17 2022 22:26

What are you thankful for? Please feel free to add as many leaves as you like. Do not put your name nor your initials. We will try to guess who's leaf it is at our next gathering.

Gratitude tree called: James' Gratitude Tree with 0 leaves
James' Gratitude Tree
Latest leaf: None

Things James is grateful for!